Список списков книг списков

Разновидностей книги списков, The Books of Lists, существует много. Но как много?

Список списков книг списков

The Book of Lists уже не раз упоминалась на страницах этого блога. Это и понятно. Блог о списках, книга списков... между нами много общего. Но ищущая мысль не спит, и захотелось составить список списков книг списков. В англоязычной «Википедии» есть статья List of Lists of Lists, то есть «Список списков списков». С математической точки зрения это такой трёхмерный объект.

Здесь же родится четырёхмерный! Только промежуточным звеном будет не список, а книга.


  1. Оригинал:
    1. The Book of Lists,
    2. The Book of Lists 2,
    3. The Book of Lists the 90's Edition,
    4. The Book of Lists 3.
  2. Профессии:
    1. The Marine Corps Book of Lists,
    2. The Medical Book of Lists,
    3. The Smart Manager's Book of Lists,
    4. The Supervisor's Big Book of Lists.
  3. Люди:
    1. Mom's Book of Lists,
    2. The Book of Lists for Kids,
    3. The Book of Lists for Teens,
    4. The Boy's Book of Lists,
    5. The Elementary School Kids' Book of Lists,
    6. The Kids' Book of Lists,
    7. The Parent's Little Book of Lists,
    8. The Teenage Book of Lists.
  4. Места:
    1. The Australian Book of Lists,
    2. The Book of Lists London,
    3. The Book of Texas lists!!,
    4. The Great Canadian Book of Lists,
    5. The Hawaiian Book of Lists,
    6. The Irish Book of Lists,
    7. The New Jersey Book of Lists,
    8. The Ultimate Book of West Virginia Lists,
    9. The West Virginia Book of Lists.
  5. Образование:
    1. A Christian Educator's Book of Lists,
    2. Scholastic Book of Lists,
    3. Scholastic Canada Book of Lists,
    4. The Art Teacher's Book of Lists,
    5. The Differentiated Instruction Book of Lists,
    6. The French Teacher's Book of Lists,
    7. The ESL/ELL Teacher's Book of Lists,
    8. The Health Teacher's Book of Lists,
    9. The Homeschooler's Book of Lists,
    10. The Homeschooling Book of Lists,
    11. The Literature Teacher's Book of Lists,
    12. The Math Teacher's Book of Lists,
    13. The New Reading Teacher's Book of Lists,
    14. The Physical Education Teacher's Book of Lists,
    15. The School Librarian's Book of Lists,
    16. The Social Studies Teacher's Book of Lists,
    17. The Special Educator's Book of Lists,
    18. The Teacher's Book of Lists,
    19. The Vocabulary Teacher's Book of Lists.
  6. Спорт:
    1. The Baseball Book of Lists,
    2. The Book of Baltimore Orioles Lists,
    3. The Book of Cricket Lists,
    4. The Book of Football Lists,
    5. The Book of Golf Lists,
    6. The Book of Lists Football,
    7. The Book of Olympic Lists,
    8. The Book of Sports Lists 2,
    9. The Book of Sports Lists,
    10. The Book of Tennis Lists,
    11. The GAA Book of Lists,
    12. The Great Book of Denver Sports Lists,
    13. The Great Book of NASCAR Lists,
    14. The Great Book of Philadelphia Sports Lists,
    15. The Great Book of San Francisco Bay Area Sports Lists,
    16. The Great Book of Washington, D.C. Sports Lists,
    17. The Ultimate Book of Hockey Lists,
    18. The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists,
    19. The WrestleCrap Book of Lists!,
  7. Музыка:
    1. The Beatles Book of Lists,
    2. The Book of Beatle Lists,
    3. The Book of Classical Music Lists,
    4. The Book of Rock Lists,
    5. The Country Music Book of Lists,
    6. The Merciless Book of Metal Lists,
    7. The New Book of Rock Lists,
    8. The Official Punk Rock Book of Lists.
  8. Книги:
    1. The Armchair Detective Book of Lists,
    2. The Big Book of Teen Reading Lists,
    3. The Book Lover's Book of Lists,
    4. The Book of Literary Lists,
    5. The Business Writer's Book of Lists,
    6. The Children's Literature Lover's Book of Lists,
    7. The Shakespeare Book of Lists.
  9. Телевидение:
    1. Star Trek The Book of Lists,
    2. The Book of TV Lists,
    3. The Book of Video Lists,
    4. The Complete Book of Movie Lists,
    5. The TV Guide Book of Lists,
    6. The Variety Book of Movie Lists,
    7. Unofficial Doctor Who: The Big Book of Lists.
  10. Религия:
    1. The Bible Book of Lists,
    2. The Christian Book of Lists,
    3. The Mormon Book of Lists.
  11. Национальности:
    1. The African-American Book of Lists,
    2. The Jewish Book of Lists.
  12. Садоводство:
    1. The California Gardener's Book of Lists,
    2. The Midwest Gardener's Book of Lists,
    3. The Pacific Northwest Gardener's Book of Lists.
  13. Войны:
    1. The Civil War Book of Lists,
    2. World War II Book of Lists.
  14. Животные
    1. The Cat Book of Lists,
    2. The Horse Book of Lists.
  15. Свадьбы
    1. A Bride's Book of Lists,
    2. I Could Have Been a Contender or the Other Book of Lists,
    3. The Bride's Book of Lists.
  16. Прочее:
    1. Book of Lists for Regulated Hazardous Substances,
    2. Louis Rukeyser's Book of Lists,
    3. Philip Ardagh's Book of Absolutely Useless Lists,
    4. Streetwise Small Business Book of Lists,
    5. The ADHD Book of Lists,
    6. The Big Brother Book of Lists,
    7. The Book of Lists Horror,
    8. The Book of Numbered Lists,
    9. The Book of Political Lists,
    10. The Book of Royal Lists,
    11. The Book of Stupid Lists,
    12. The Celebrity Book of Super Lists,
    13. The Christmas Book of Lists,
    14. The Complete Book of Household Lists,
    15. The Disneyland Book of Lists,
    16. The Extraordinary Book of Lists,
    17. The Millennium Book of Wacky Lists,
    18. The UFO Book of Lists,
    19. The Ultimate Book of Bizarre Lists.

На данный момент это 118 книг! Поиск производился по Internet Archive, и его выдача, вероятно, неполна, так что книг точно должно быть больше. Более всего меня позабавили, пожалуй, книга о Гэльском футболе (The GAA Book of Lists), книга о работе с опасными веществами (Book of Lists for Regulated Hazardous Substances) и книга королевских списков (The Book of Royal Lists).

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